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Wind Powered Water Pump

A friend reminded me of a project that I helped him with 25yrs ago. The class was Intermediate Technology, a course to help understanding of ways to improve developing countries that don't have the highest levels of infrastructure.


Here is how I remember his project to build a Savonious Windmill:

  • 'borrow' garbage can from engineering bldg

  • saw cut the bottom off & slice into two halves

  • bolt onto 'found' pipe for center axle

  • create frame, mount top eccentric cam

  • made water piston (I forget materials used but remember a good seal / pull of water)

  • made check valve (I remember a ping pong ball, but probably a foosball)

  • pump water!  it worked but check valve let water flow back upstream.....if I knew then what I know now: tangent to check valves


excellent 2019 Netflix movie:

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind 

WorldVision Zambia developing healthy sustainable agriculture-based communities

water pump.png

I could have used this in my

2019 Backyard Flooding project

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